On the Issues

Every challenge our city faces is an opportunity, but if and only if we stay focused on building solutions rather political theater. Every day we speak to neighbors who show us a new perspective, a new way of addressing a problem, and every day we learn more. Only by learning from each other, and capturing the many diverse voices that Lake Worth Beach encompass, can we confidently create the best solutions.

We want to hear from you - If you feel strongly about a particular issue, on this page or not, reach out to our campaign via email or social media. 

As your mayor, I will do everything in my power to bolster Lake Worth Beach to the shining example we all know it can be. I cannot “change the weather”, so to speak. The future is daunting, and the past is set in stone. But the present, right now, is malleable. Together, we can change course towards a brighter, more prosperous, more harmonious tomorrow. I believe it can be done. All I ask is your support. 

Proven Executive Leadership & Professionalism 

Leadership is not about having all the answers or adhering rigidly to one's own perspectives. It's about the ability to listen, learn, and collaborate effectively. My approach to leadership is grounded in these principles. I have worked with a wide variety of people across the country, building consensus and fostering understanding among teams that encompass thousands of individuals, working on projects accounting for hundreds of millions of dollars. This experience has taught me the value of diverse perspectives and the strength that comes from collaborative problem-solving.

I will bring this ethos of genuine, executive leadership to our city's administration. My style is a stark contrast  with the current confrontational and argumentative approach of the existing leadership. A good leader does not resort to pettiness, apathy, eye-rolling or insults, nor do they shut down opposing viewpoints. Instead, they recognize the importance of working together, an openness to learning, and respect for the individual even in the face of disagreement. I will bring the days of Lake Worth Beach’s reputation for unprofessionalism and bureaucratic apathy to an end. 

I am committed to leading through collaboration and respect, acknowledging that while I may not always agree with the commission or every constituent, our collective wisdom is far greater than any single viewpoint. My administration will be marked by an openness to listening, professionalism, a dedication to understanding complex issues, and a commitment to finding common ground. By fostering a culture of respect and cooperation, I believe we can achieve far more for Lake Worth Beach, ensuring that our city benefits from decisions made through thoughtful dialogue and inclusive decision-making processes.

Affordable Housing and Short Term Rentals

Ensuring that everyone has access to affordable and appropriate housing is a cornerstone of my campaign. My commitment to affordable housing is unwavering, and I recognize the need for a balanced approach that respects the character of our neighborhoods. As a local activist, I have actively opposed the proliferation of short-term rentals like AirBnBs in our residential areas. The State Government has made clear that its cities are unable to effectively regulate short term rentals on their own accord. This leaves Lake Worth Beach with two options: Enforce the existing ban that has been on the books for almost twenty years, or remove any and all regulations, giving private corporations with no love for our community a blank check to do as they please without our consent.  Given the options the State of Florida has given us, upholding our existing ban is a common sense solution. I believe in preserving the integrity and tranquility of our neighborhoods, which are often disrupted by transient rentals. In addition, we will unlock valuable housing stock, with over 600 AirBnB's in 33460 alone, these will be the market for long term residents.

I am dedicated to promoting responsible development in the face of unprecedented demand. This includes advocating for housing programs that prioritize workforce housing, which helps ensure that new residential projects are aligned with the needs of our community. While I recognize the necessity of increased housing density (such as apartment buildings), we need to ensure that new apartments are built in areas which are already higher density (such as by the train tracks, or downtown by City Hall), to ensure we preserve the charm and local history each neighborhood brings.

I am sensitive to the concerns of residents regarding the preservation of their neighborhood's distinct character and history. Like many others, I fell in love with Lake Worth Beach's character, driven by historic homes and family friendly neighborhoods, an intangible charisma that would be lost with unregulated development. If we are serious about addressing housing, we need to find a way to increase housing density in residential neighborhoods without drastically altering the cultural landscape.

I propose innovative solutions like allowing Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) on single-family properties, and simplifying the process for homeowners to convert their properties into multifamily housing (duplexes and  triplexes). These measures will enable us to expand our housing stock, welcome more residents to contribute to our vibrant city, and maintain the unique allure that defines each of our neighborhoods without drastically adjusting the skyline.

I am dedicated to promoting responsible development in the face of unprecedented demand. This includes advocating for housing programs that prioritize workforce housing, which helps ensure that new residential projects are aligned with the needs of our community. While I recognize the necessity of increased housing density (such as apartment buildings), we need to ensure that new apartments are built in areas which are already higher density (such as by the train tracks, or downtown by City Hall), to ensure we preserve the charm each neighborhood brings.

I am sensitive to the concerns of residents regarding the preservation of their neighborhood's character and historic characteristics. Like many others, I fell in love with Lake Worth Beach's character, driven by historic homes and family friendly neighborhoods, a charm that would would be lost with unregulated development. If we are serious about addressing housing, we need to find a way to increase housing density in residential neighborhoods without drastically altering the landscape.

I propose innovative solutions like allowing Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) on single-family properties, and simplifying the process for homeowners to convert their properties into multifamily housing. These measures will enable us to expand our housing stock, welcome more residents to contribute to our vibrant city, and maintain the unique charm that defines each of our neighborhoods without drastically adjusting the skyline.

Public Safety

We can address community safety and well-being through innovative and compassionate approaches. Recognizing the diverse nature of emergencies our city faces, I am a staunch supporter of an initiative which would bring in a team of specialized social workers to work hand in hand with Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office (PBSO)  and a network of care providers. This team will be dedicated to responding to non-violent emergencies, effectively addressing issues related to mental health and substance abuse. By doing so, we not only provide much-needed services to those in crisis, but also allow our police force to concentrate their efforts on situations that genuinely require their expertise and intervention. Making contact with those in need allows our city to offer a first step on the road to recovery, allowing us to offer necessary services such as housing assistance, addiction treatment, vaccinations and more, while systematically freeing up PBSO to respond to serious, criminal, and violent crimes.

I am committed to ensuring that this program is launched efficiently and effectively. It is essential that these services are integrated smoothly with our existing emergency response systems, including close coordination with the PBSO. This initiative creates a framework where every resident feels safe, secure, and supported. By investing in this program, we are taking a significant step towards fostering a community where all individuals, irrespective of their challenges, can find the help they need.

Every resident of Lake Worth Beach deserves peace and tranquility. Supporting innovative solutions like this allow us to finally address the root cause of the problem, while ensuring that our Law Enforcement Officers have the bandwidth to respond when needed. 

Environmental Protection & Native Landscaping

Environmental stewardship is a fundamental aspect of my vision for Lake Worth Beach. Recognizing the critical role of native flora in maintaining ecological balance and promoting biodiversity, I am committed to enhancing our city's natural beauty while also protecting our environment. To achieve this, I propose further prioritizing native plants, shade trees, pollinators, and butterfly-friendly plants (yes, butterflies are pollinators, too!) in our city's landscaping code. This initiative is about more than just the aesthetic improvements that native flora and shade trees bring; it fosters a sustainable and healthy ecosystem that benefits everyone.

By further prioritizing these vital plant species into the landscaping code, we ensure that all new projects presented to the city's advocacy boards adhere to environmentally-friendly and sustainable principles. This approach not only enhances the visual appeal of our city but also plays a crucial role in supporting local wildlife, including essential pollinators. We can be a tourist destination to more than just humans, but to the millions of Atala, Monarch, Fritillary and other butterflies that travel over 2,000 miles every year to grace South Florida. My commitment extends to working collaboratively with developers, city planners, and community members to ensure that our urban landscape contributes positively to our environment. By making these conscious choices, we take a significant step towards creating a greener, more sustainable Lake Worth Beach, where the natural environment is valued and preserved for future generations.

Representing and Empowering our Hispanic & Latin Community 

In Lake Worth Beach, our strength lies in our diversity. As the son of an Argentinian immigrant,  I recognize the immense contribution the Hispanic and Latino community brings to the fabric of our city. Hispanics and Latinos make up nearly 46% of Lake Worth Beach’s total population, and I will make it my priority to see their often overlooked needs are met. My dedication to serving all residents of Lake Worth Beach is deeply rooted in my own life experiences, influenced by my mother's journey. Her resilience and determination has taught me the value of embracing diverse cultures and perspectives.

I believe that effective leadership is built on a foundation of listening, learning, and collaborating. I am committed to not only representing the Hispanic community but also actively seeking all  voices and experiences, including yours. My approach to leadership ensures that your concerns are not just heard, but are integral to our city's decision-making process. I understand the unique challenges faced by our Hispanic residents, from language barriers to cultural nuances, and I am here to listen, adapt, and lead in a manner that is inclusive and respectful of these differences.

My journey from humble beginnings to executive leadership has been marked by perseverance and hard work—values that resonate deeply within the Hispanic community. I empathize with those who are building their lives and dreams in our city, just as I did. My administration will focus on creating equal opportunities for all (particularly in terms of affordable housing), access to quality education, and fostering local entrepreneurship. I am committed to supporting programs that empower our Hispanic youth and adults alike, providing the tools and resources necessary for success.

Lake Worth Beach is a tapestry of cultures, and the Hispanic heritage is one of its most vibrant threads. I am dedicated to preserving and celebrating the rich cultural heritage of our Hispanic community. This includes supporting cultural festivals, ensuring language inclusivity in city communications, and promoting Hispanic-owned businesses. By investing in infrastructure which connects the East & West sides of downtown, we can ensure that our Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods are included in the downtown boom. Having a city government that reflects the diversity of its people is paramount to a healthy, connected community. My administration will actively work towards this, ensuring that Hispanic voices are both heard and represented in city planning and community initiatives.

Protecting Lake Worth Beach's Public Assets

Lake Worth Beach is unique, boasting a trove of treasured public assets like our iconic pier, the historic casino building, and an exquisite 18-hole golf course. I am deeply committed to preserving these valuable community assets. I stand firmly against any attempts to privatize or monopolize these landmarks. These spaces are integral parts of our city's identity and heritage. Their significance extends beyond their recreational value, as they serve as communal gathering spots and symbols of our city's character.

It is essential to not only protect these assets from privatization but also to actively invest in their maintenance and improvement. This means fostering them with care and ensuring they are accessible to all residents and visitors, reflecting the true spirit of Lake Worth Beach. We must approach these assets not as commodities but as communal treasures to be cherished and enhanced for future generations. By keeping these gems in public hands, we reinforce our commitment to a community-oriented vision for Lake Worth Beach, where public spaces are valued for the collective joy and benefit they provide. My administration will be dedicated to this cause, ensuring that these landmarks remain proudly as symbols of our city’s public spirit and communal pride.

Unions & Apprenticeships

I am fervently pro-union and pro-apprenticeship, recognizing the critical role these entities play in fostering a strong and equitable workforce in Lake Worth Beach. I wholeheartedly commend the current commission's decision to fully fund the lineman apprenticeship program. This is a prime example of how government can act as a catalyst for positive change, creating opportunities for individuals to build sustainable and fulfilling careers within our community.

My commitment to protecting unions and their members, especially those employed by our city government, is unwavering. Unions are essential in ensuring fair labor practices and advocating for the rights and benefits of workers. We must protect the existing rights of union workers while also actively supporting and facilitating the growth of union representation in various sectors across our city. This includes endorsing apprenticeship programs, which are vital in providing practical training and skill development, leading to well-paying jobs that support a decent living, a secure means of retirement, and improvement to one's overall well-being. It is important that we create more avenues for our residents to access quality education and training that lead to fulfilling careers right here in Lake Worth Beach. This approach aligns with my vision of a city where economic opportunities are abundant and accessible, and where every individual has the means to build a prosperous life. By championing unions and apprenticeships, we invest in our greatest asset – our people – and in doing so, we strengthen the foundation of our community.

Climate Pledge & Energy Affordability

As a candidate for Mayor of Lake Worth Beach, I am fervently committed to our city's climate pledges, and I firmly believe Lake Worth Beach can be the most carbon-neutral city in Florida. Our unique advantage lies in owning our utility company which thanks, to prior investments, now offers rates lower than Florida Power and Light. This positions us ideally to lead the way in sustainable energy practices, a cleaner world, and more affordable energy for residents.

We must look to modernize our electrical infrastructure. By investing in and expanding solar energy capabilities, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and pave the way towards a cleaner, greener, and more affordable future. We must do more than simply meet current standards, we must set a precedent for what a city can achieve in environmental stewardship and energy affordability.


The state of our city's infrastructure, particularly our storm-water system, is a pressing concern that I plan to address head-on. The long-overdue repairs and upgrades to our storm-water infrastructure have been consistently delayed due to a lack of focused and efficient leadership. This issue is critical, not only for the immediate well-being of our city but also in light of the escalating effects of climate change, which exacerbate flooding on our roads, alleys, and in our yards. No one's home should be threatened with flood waters that are a result of mismanaged infrastructure. I pledge to prioritize these necessary improvements to protect our community and infrastructure from the increasing risks of severe weather events.

I am supportive of, and intend to pursue, the Dixie Highway Road Diet, a state-funded project which would allow traffic on Dixie Highway to move faster, increase safety, and increase pedestrian foot-traffic for businesses on Dixie Highway. There is more to this project than road restructuring; it's about enhancing our city's walkability, supporting local businesses, and uniting the vibrant eastern and western parts of downtown, which for so long have been separated by the metaphorical castle moat that is Dixie Highway. Imagine a Dixie Highway with residents and tourists shopping, walking from store to store, just as we see on Lake & Lucerne. By redesigning this stretch of road, we can facilitate smoother traffic flow, increase pedestrian safety, bring much needed benefits to the businesses that call Dixie Highway home, and even save lives (considering this area's above average rates of pedestrian accidents).

I am also committed to the implementation and success of the Lake Worth Circuit, a vital public transportation system designed to be accessible and affordable, if not free, for all citizens. Understand that Lake Worth Beach has the highest rates of public transit usage in the county, and some of the highest rates of people without regular access to a car; think of how many family's you see towing their groceries in a wagon home from the grocery store. This is a necessity for many in our community, and a welcome luxury for everyone else. Parking is always top of mind, but consider that public transit and parking solutions are interconnected issues that require thoughtful, inclusive planning. The Lake Worth Circuit will provide a crucial link from the Tri-Rail to our downtown and beach areas, enhancing mobility for both residents and visitors. It will drive businesses to and from downtown as where residents are, and tourists have an affordable, regular means of transportation throughout the city and downtown areas. I will ensure that these essential services are not only introduced, but maintained regularly and integrated into the fabric of our city, reflecting our commitment to a connected, accessible, and sustainable Lake Worth Beach.

Advocating for the LGBTQIA+ Community

As a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I have a personal and profound understanding of the challenges and discrimination faced by those who share this identity. My experiences have strengthened my resolve to ensure Lake Worth Beach remains a welcoming, inclusive, and safe place for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. I wholeheartedly commend our city for its stance in becoming the first Sanctuary City for LGBTQIA+ people in Florida. Lake Worth Beach does more than merely tolerate our residents, we celebrate them. While this designation is symbolic, it functions as a powerful declaration  that hate has no home in Lake Worth Beach. We embrace diversity and inclusivity. 

Celebrating Palm Beach Pride annually is a testament to our shared  commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community, but our efforts must extend beyond symbolic gestures. I will work tirelessly to foster an environment where every individual, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity, feels valued, respected, and supported. I am committed to implementing policies and programs that further this cause, making sure that Lake Worth Beach is not only a city that tolerates diversity, but one that celebrates and thrives on it. My goal is to ensure that anyone who chooses to make Lake Worth Beach their home experiences the same open arms and welcoming spirit that I did, contributing to our mission of building a beautiful, prosperous, and inclusive city.

Revitalizing our Private-Public Partnership

We must revitalize and harness the potential of private-public partnerships, especially in supporting our local, family-owned businesses. Every business that calls Lake Worth Beach home is a gift that pays dividends, and it is critical we foster these relationships and leverage resources to elevate them. We depend on them, and in turn they depend on us. I recognize that the city has, in the past, missed valuable opportunities to drive meaningful business to these establishments that form the backbone of our local economy. My commitment is to redirect and optimize the use of city funds and resources to not only attract people to Lake Worth Beach, but ensure they engage with businesses throughout the city. This especially includes the often-overlooked areas, such as our Hispanic/Latin majority downtown west of Dixie Highway, which too often is excluded while hosting block after block of thriving, charming, family owned businesses.

I believe that the key to achieving this lies in hosting more city-sponsored events that are strategically designed to encourage patronage of our local businesses, and reconsidering the criteria for which existing dollars are directed to local businesses. These events and programs must be inclusive, and encompass the diverse range of businesses that call Lake, Lucerne, Dixie, Federal, as well as other parts of the city, their home. It's not just about bringing people downtown; it's about ensuring that once they are here, they are incentivized to explore, shop, and dine at the various local businesses. The only way to grow a community is to get people in the door and greet them with open arms.